Warrior Bards series

  I'm really happy to let you know that I'm working on a new historical fantasy series for adult readers, called Warrior Bards. The first novel, Harp of Kings, will be published by Penguin in the US in 2019, with two more books to follow. An audio book contract is looking very likely, and of course we are hoping the series will also be published in Australia and in other [...]

2020-02-09T06:34:14+11:00October 7th, 2017|

Update on Dutch editions of Blackthorn & Grim

I've had a lot of queries from readers in the Netherlands about the Luitingh-Sijthoff editions of Tower of Thorns and Den of Wolves.  I've been advised by the publishers that they have put the Dutch edition of Tower of Thorns on hold because of lower than expected sales for Dreamer's Pool and the Shadowfell series. I'm sad about this and I know my loyal Dutch readers are too, but there [...]

2017-10-07T16:23:51+11:00October 7th, 2017|

Juliet at Worldcon Aug 9-13

Here's an updated version of my program for Worldcon in Helsinki next week. All my events are at the main convention venue, Messukeskus: Thursday Aug 10, 10:00 - 11:00 Panel: A Stitch in Time: Historical Fantasy Historical Fantasy: What is it and how does it differ from fantasy or historical fiction? What makes for good historical fantasy? What are some variations within this genre? How can it illuminate our understanding [...]

2020-02-09T06:34:14+11:00August 3rd, 2017|

Meet Juliet in Edinburgh August 17

For readers in the Edinburgh area who are not on my Facebook Fan Page - I will be in your part of the world very soon. I'm attending Worldcon in Helsinki from August 9-13, then I'm heading to Scotland for a couple of weeks of combined holiday and intensive writing time. I have set up an informal meet and greet in Edinburgh on Thursday August 17 from 2-3pm in the [...]

2020-02-09T06:34:14+11:00August 3rd, 2017|

Juliet’s Meet and Greet in Columbus, Ohio: Oct 29

Hi all. I'm currently trying to get a good idea of numbers for my meet and greet event in Columbus so I can finalise booking a venue. The details are up on my Facebook Fan Page, but for those of you who aren't on Facebook and don't want to be, this is a request to let me know as soon as possible if you'd like to come to this event. [...]

2020-02-09T06:34:15+11:00August 31st, 2016|
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